Category Archives: Confidence

How to be your imperfect best

Do your best

I love this quote. I put it on my Facebook page a few weeks ago and it really resonated with people. It struck a chord with me, not least because it drew me back to my childhood and how my parents would always say to me “just do your best” (rather than try to be perfect). A good lesson which, in adult life, has helped me go a bit easier on myself when I mess up! Well, usually anyway – I’m not perfect at this 🙂 Continue reading

Who do you think you are?

who-am-iHave you ever been asked that question? I bet many of us have at some point in our lives. It’s often used as an admonishment when someone thinks we might have got too big for our boots!

I’d like to ask the question in a different way. In a non-judgmental way and as a genuine prompt for us to think about who we are – how do we define ourselves? Continue reading

The Comparison Trap

better than yesterday

What a simple statement and yet a profound one.

It’s easy to compare ourselves with other people isn’t it? Especially those we perceive to be doing “better” than us. It gets even more complicated when we consider different aspects of our life e.g. work/career, relationships, finances, health etc. Whilst it’s good to have positive role models, I think there is a fine line between taking ourselves in a good direction (similar to them) and trying to be someone we simply aren’t – and this is one of the areas in which the art of comparison can get distorted and become counter productive. Continue reading

What’s right about wrong?


I love this quote from Sir Ken. Makes sense doesn’t it?

Why then, do so many frown on imperfection and the consequences of getting things wrong and making mistakes? Despite our contemporary rhetoric of the virtues of tolerating diverse views, ideas and beliefs, an intolerance of “error” seems to remain in many walks of life and is especially prevalent within the cultures of a lot of our businesses.

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